Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
samandkimberly wrote:The spacer is about 3mm thick. These diaphragms swell over a very short time; I believe the primary purpose of the spacer is to give more room for the diaphragm as opposed to making more travel. The kit also comes with a little extension for the low pressure hole in the slide. The kit instructions also recommend raising the needle on the left carb a notch.
With these two mods my stock motor seemed to pull a bit harder and run a bit better wide open. The progressive nature of the two carbs became a lot more noticeable, you can really feel when the CV carb comes in to play', sort of like a poor man's turbo.I'm sure I could tune this out with some effort but it doesn't bother me.
The kit also comes with a 1,7mm and 1.8mm jet to enlarge the mains if necessary but the bike feels like the mixture is about right now.
hb7 wrote:900 rpm on the stock tach ? surely you jest.
the stock tach is not accurate and singles don't idle at 900 rpm from what I have seen.
More like 1200-1350 rpm idle.
900 rpm would stall once you applied the clutch.
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