brought my bike in for fluids maintenance and general check up.
was told that radiator was almost empty and that cap might need replacing soon.
on the way home got sprayed with radiator fluid. found out that the hose that loops through the frame connecting left to right got torn, possibly due to over tightened clamp.
replaced the hose, replaced the clamps, topped off the coolant. notice that some coolant shows between the fins on the right radiator. i'm guessing a leak somewhere.
took it for a spin and 10 minutes into riding the overheat light came on. limped back home. cooled down, check the coolant level. its still full. definitely leaks somewhere slowly though.
why would it over heat if the coolant is still at the full level?
the shop mechanic said he went over the whole cooling system and there were no issues other than it needed to be flushed out several times.
cap turned out ok as well, the rubber spacer was either not put on correctly or slid off during cap removal.
is the leak causing some suction problems?
anyway to fix the leak without replacing the whole radiator?