My bike (ETZ251) is temper-mental at the moment...
When I got it, it lurched badly when the throttle was closed, wouldnt pull properly (5th gear useless as you slowed down), and would flood easily when starting....
now I've stripped the carb, and given it a clean and reset the settings as per haynes manual (old one supplied)
The floats are now perfect height (both up and down)
the bypass air screw and pilot screw were at stock settings anyway.
the needle is on the 4th clip from the top
Now if its starts, it will run nicely if you can keep the revs up, and the float adjustment has cured the lurching.
but its still a bit fussy whether it starts or not...
Its running on premix at the moment (I think its running on around 25:1 due to a slight misreading of the petrol pump litres counter....)
the oil pump has been removed and a plate has been fitted over the hole.
the crankcase pipe stub has a short piece of pipe thats been blocked off....
now I have the oil tank and oil pump, and I was planning on fitting it back on, as it will be a little easier to fill up....
I'll have to get a new throttle twist grip (a genuine one), as its currently got one from a newer bike...
the other issue I have, is the clutch lever isnt the original either.
now if the clutch is adjusted properly, the lever adjuster hasnt got enough travel to actuate the clutch...it drags....
now I'm not sure why, but I dont think the clutch cable is supported properly at the engine end.
it goes into the 'clutch cable spacer block' which screws into the engine, but theres a small, thin slotted washer type object that stops the cable casing being pulled into the engine.
the only way said washer doesnt drop off, is because the rubber grommet pins it into place....
is that original, or a PO bodge?
for the moment, I was going to make a couple more 'washer things' and space the casing off (hopefully in the process improving the clutch)....
but obviously the clutch isnt as important as getting the engine working nicely :p
what settings do you use on your ETZ251s?
(I know every engine is different, but hopefully it will give a better starting point!)
Thanks in advance