Feeler for Skorpion race seat

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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:06 pm

I sent multiple messages last week and haven't heard anything on that seat. I don't know if my messages are getting to the right person but I've tried the email in your link as well as finding their website and sending a message that route. Can you confirm that the seats are available or in production and whether or not your brother has received any requests from an email account with my screen name in the address.

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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby basser23 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:25 pm

I had sent an email to his brother in CZ and did receive a reply..did you go onto the web site?
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:49 pm

basser23 wrote:I had sent an email to his brother in CZ and did receive a reply..did you go onto the web site?

I did both. I sent a couple of messages to the address in this thread and couple to the website address. What response did you receive?

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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby mforza » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:41 pm

I'll find out and let you know. Sorry for the delay :( My brother is extremely bussy and sometime he forget :-)
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby mforza » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:00 pm

edfmaniac wrote:
basser23 wrote:I had sent an email to his brother in CZ and did receive a reply..did you go onto the web site?

I did both. I sent a couple of messages to the address in this thread and couple to the website address. What response did you receive?


Ok, my brother said that he did reply to your email. I asked him to send you new email but in case you do not get it here is the email he send to "basser23".
It will work for you too :) If you still have trouble with it let me know, Martin.


yes, the seat is available now on.

we have winter discount event -25% so the seat is for even better price.
Due to higher shipment is better order more parts what we can put to the box, but it depends on you.

Price for one seat : 95,-Eur (incl. Discount)
Shipment : 50,-Eur
Paypal : 9,-Eur
Total : 154,-Eur

Its should fit to stock sub frame, we have it from guy from Germany who rides Supermono championship here and in Germany.
He didn't tell me any info about necessary adjustment. But I don't know that for 100%.

he has this 2 bike, check the picture attached.

If it will be necessary any adjustment we would be grateful for any picture and some info.

I will send this seat also to my brother , he need it to and he will mount it to his bike. He will prepare some info about the installation and put to forum.

Best regards

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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:15 pm

Thanks. I'll check my spam folder just in case.
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:40 pm

Any news on the Motoforza seat? I never did get in touch with the vendor and haven't heard about anyone else getting their hands on one. Come mid Feb, I'll be putting something else on or going with the bare minimum, bobbed sub frame and homemade seat pan. I really like the look of the racing seat though and would love to hear that someone has received one and/or fitted one to their Skorpion. Here's what I'm working with so far but there's a long way to go.

Picture 018.jpg
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby mforza » Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:53 pm

I will be mounting the seat on my bike soon. Give me some time and I'll post some pictures.
I just did not have time to work on it yet due to my recovering from injury and lot of work.
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:45 pm

No pressure, just an FYI in case anyone was holding out on us. I'll likely end up with the back half of my sub frame getting chopped either way, so I can always add a molded seat later.

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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby basser23 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:48 pm

like to know if you are installing on stock sub frame?
we'll wait for pictures :)
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby zforza » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:12 am

Hi Guys.

We will send the seat MZ to Martin (mforza) next week. So we should know more after that. In the meantime my colleague contacted the rider from Germany who has this seat installed on bike.
When we have any news we will update it here.

To "basser23"
Regarding emails. I really don't know why, but there is some problem with sending and delivery to hotmail domain. They have some strange settings or spam filters or what...our sent emails are always came back as "undelivered".

I'm attaching the pictures how good the seat looks on bike.


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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby mforza » Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:28 pm

zforza wrote:To "basser23"
Regarding emails. I really don't know why, but there is some problem with sending and delivery to hotmail domain. They have some strange settings or spam filters or what...our sent emails are always came back as "undelivered".

That was actualy for "edfmaniac" but I'm sure he knows.
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:04 pm

:smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby mforza » Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:35 pm

Ok, it took me long time to at least make some pictures of the seat on the bike as Im home only 2-3 days a month.
Sorry about that :)
As you can see on the pictures to put the seat on the Skorpion you will have to radicaly modify the subframe. It will not fit the original subframe.
The seat was build to match the modified frame and subframe.
Also to slide the seat around the tank it will need to be shaved a little or use different tank.
You will have to build up the subframe up about 6cm-7cm and make it short.
Im planning to cut the front of the oil tank to make it shorter and put it under the seat in the shortened subframe.
I will use the same mounting points for the subframe but the subframe will be cut just before where is welded togheter and liftet up and rewelded. Battery will be moved somewhere else.
Also the seat will need to go forward further so needs to be shaved off at the front also to match the stock frame.
I have the bike in the shop to get some work done on it right now so as soon as I get it home I will start working on it again and post my progres.
Hope this helps :)


This is the picture when i was trying to slide it over the original subframe. No way it will fit unles the subframe is cut short.
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Re: Feeler for Skorpion race seat

Postby edfmaniac » Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:19 pm

Thanks. I planned on building a custom subframe anyway. I should be in the position to order one soon. When do they start shipping? :)
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