Baghira Air Filter

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Baghira Air Filter

Postby frank33m » Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:56 pm

I have a 2003 Baghira . The orignal owner told me to be sure and cut the gas off each time I got off , well I didn't do it . Over a period of time it got to where it wasn't running very good , after some checking I found the airbox was full of a gas/oil mixture . When I cranked it up it was pumping out of the blow by tube to the airbox . I drained the oil and it was over full with the gas/oil mixture . Why if the needle and seat were not cutting the gas flow off did it not spill out the overflow on the floor ? During this poor running conditions it backfired and burned the Air Filter . It's a Twin Air with no numbers . Cycle Gear is trying to find one but aren't having much luck . Anyone know where to search for one ? Also I saw a post about changing to a single Mikuni . Is there any Manifold available to do this ? If so I would change to the Mikuni and a K&N Air Filter . Thanks Frank
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Re: Baghira Air Filter

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:53 pm


I feel gutted hearing your curcumstances.
The filter you need is a KTM unit Picture provided.
If you have need for anything else ask. The folks at this forum are of good heart.

Filter%20PN.JPG (44.6 KiB) Viewed 3339 times

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Re: Baghira Air Filter

Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:14 pm


If you're located in the US and you need carb work on the original carbs contact Bikeworx.
Galen is familiar with the OEM carbs and is VERY reasonalbe, he's helped me. Good folks...

Aftermarket carbs are just that. And maybe like me establish a plan...
The MZ line is what it is, a frame and components, SOLID.

Carb and manifold changes aren't simple (Considering the Baghira/frame, engine and frame spacing) do not let this deter you as I would suggest that the solutions aren't that big a deal, it is just the dollar amount (cost of carbs).

Also when you change the oil remember the type of system it is (I believe the term is dry sump) and how you or I would check it.

I'm dealing with a bunch of circumstances and only mention this for you to check out what I'm saying so you don't make a mistake, difficult times for me...

Best wishes

PS Please don't hesitate to ask, carb parts and such...
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Re: Baghira Air Filter

Postby frank33m » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:30 am

Thanks for all the replies , it's a big help !
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Re: Baghira Air Filter

Postby kman.45 » Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:59 am

Note: All cross-references based on Twin Air OEM filter being that used for the KTM models listed here under Twin Air.

Twin Air (OEM)
(KTM 400 LC4 93-99, 600 LC4 93-99, 620 LC4 94-99)

UniFlow / Unifilter Australia
NU 1405ST
(KTM 600 LC4 93; 400 LC4, 620 LC4, 640 LC4 93-01)

(KTM 400 LC4 93-99, KTM 620 LC4 94-96
2003 Baghira 660 SM/E
2008 Ducati Multistrada 1100S
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Re: Baghira Air Filter

Postby frank33m » Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:40 am

Thanks for all the info but all the numbers seem to be absolete . I used the KTM models to find one at Cycle Gear . Again thanks for the help and I'm sure I we have more questions down the road . Frank
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Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:37 pm

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