Mastiff with no spark at all

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby 660_rider » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:42 am

Hi folks, different week different problem, bike was running perfect, had a bad oil leak from the generator cover gasket, so bought a new gasket, stuck it all together no probs, fills with oil. Turned the fuel on and cranks it over. Won't start!! Checked connections etc. removed plug and I'm not getting even a slight spark. New plug Tryed and still nothing. Any ideas?

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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby 660_rider » Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:38 am

Have 12volt at either side of the coil also. Forgot to add that.
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:20 am

check the crank sensor for the cdi box when you had it off did a wire get unhooked or pinched
not sure which side that is on...on the 660 motors
do a careful check of all plug and connectors
maybe some thing got disconnected

and that kill button on the handlebar that only kills stuff when you do not want it tooooo

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:19 am

possible problems with the harness wiring from the generator and pickup, both under that left cover.
Most probable, tho, the blue wire to the neutral switch got unhooked or damaged, very easy since ist is also routed thru a pesty little groove of that side cover.
Depending on version and harness, the neutral switch is boobytrap-wired to the ignition. Take a close look, and then there is also the boobytrap lead to the sidestand running thru there. Both of these totally unnecessary wires are often causes for problems.
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby den » Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:49 am

Bill Jurgenson wrote:possible problems with the harness wiring from the generator and pickup, both under that left cover.
Most probable, tho, the blue wire to the neutral switch got unhooked or damaged, very easy since ist is also routed thru a pesty little groove of that side cover.
Depending on version and harness, the neutral switch is boobytrap-wired to the ignition. Take a close look, and then there is also the boobytrap lead to the sidestand running thru there. Both of these totally unnecessary wires are often causes for problems.

Well done bill , even i learned something today , never considered the neutral wire could also stop the bike in its tracks allways just seen it as a light on or off??.So i understand theres four things so far that could hide a spark
Ignition switch
handlbar kill switch
sidestand switch
neutral switch
Any more??
Do you know if all of these are "ground to earth " switches
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:16 am

maybe this will help

click to open in a new window then click again to make it bigger
also copy and print for shop display
most of the electrical problems i have had were all located using this drawing
Skorpion Ignition with notes.JPG
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:54 am

diagram says it all.
and it is very easy to see how especially the damned sidestand switch can be a real pain when it starts bouncing at higher speed or rpm, a very real problem.
Biggest pain of all is that these idiot traps are completely unnecessary. Generations of riders got along fine without them.
Rather than alleviating dangers, they cause more of them by relieving users of the obligation of THINKING.

nuf said
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby breakwellmz » Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:03 am

Nice wiring diagram Dave,makes it look SO simple!
Is it really just a case of removing the side-stand switch and twisting two(?)wires together to get rid of the beast?
It`s only a matter of time before mine fails entirely due to winter road salt etc.
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby den » Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:56 am

breakwellmz wrote:Nice wiring diagram Dave,makes it look SO simple!
Is it really just a case of removing the side-stand switch and twisting two(?)wires together to get rid of the beast?
It`s only a matter of time before mine fails entirely due to winter road salt etc.

or even better ,incorporate these wires into your own secret anti theft switch or alarm immobilizer system. :lol:
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:47 am

even better ,incorporate these wires into your own secret anti theft switch

hidden toggle switch some where

if i lived in the UK i would do it ..

where i live they just steal jeeps and Wheelers

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby den » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:38 pm

Bike theft in the is a nightmare in the UK, Ive had several bikes stolen ,My son has had two stolen , one only last month,its either the kids wanting it to rag around on or stolen for parts , Its unbelievable in modern times a $10.000 motorbike comes with only three serial numbers, one on the engine case,one on the frame and a reg plate ,everything else is like parts from a parts shop , no form on id whatsoever. :smt005

I'm fitting a tracker on mine $100 from ebay , there abit cheesy but they work well ,( gps technology) A quick txt message and ill have the location up on google earth in no time ,
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby cat » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:39 am

mm, good idea. Be good if we could have google maps updated automatically. Then we'd get cases where bikers would track them down and ambush them. ...Just have to do it where there are no cctv cameras.
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby 660_rider » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:02 am

Thanks guys, turned out to be a broken wire!! Hidden from sight. Running now tho. With a new problem. Headers glowing red after 5 mins of idle. Never used to do this. And it hasn't even been out.
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:13 pm

mine glow on the traveller
if i set too long at a stop light at night..
some times a bit on the bright side
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Mastiff with no spark at all

Postby den » Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:21 pm

660_rider wrote:Thanks guys, turned out to be a broken wire!! Hidden from sight. Running now tho. With a new problem. Headers glowing red after 5 mins of idle. Never used to do this. And it hasn't even been out.

Mine gets up to temp from cold, even from freezing cold in about one minuet,headers get very hot but bike never overheats and although Ive tested the fans Ive never seen them come on...on the plus side ,Have you ever noticed how quick the bike cools down??
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