My bike is in storage so as to keep me from wanting to ride it "just around the block really quick" so I can't measure for myself. I need the measurments or a part number I can use for the oil seals that go on that big coarse oil screw at the front of the frame (where the oil line attaches.) I only have 1 of the two oil seals there and would really like to have 2 new ones when I change the oil so as not to prolong my inability to ride.
Any help is always appreciated!

I already purchased a new Avon tire (the old tire was a cheap Chinese tire which may have contributed to the accident.) It is an Avon Distanza AM44 rear to match my AM43 front. I also ordered a 47 tooth sprocket to replace my 50 tooth rear which is FAR too short. The 45 was not enough for me, but the 50 is too punchy and really limits the speed as well as pushing a cruising speed down to 50MPH. Hopefully the 47 will be a good compromise. I also just purchased a "Baja Designs Dual Sport Brake Light Switch - Brembo Hydraulic" which appears to be a M10x1.0 hydraulic brake switch which hopefully will replace my rear brake switch. It's been broken since I got the bike, but I always gently used the front even when using the rear so the light was on either way. I faked my way through the registration by hitting both the brakes at the same time when asked to do the rear brake.