Hi to all. I became the proud owner of a 1994 Skorpion sport a month or so ago. To say it was unloved is a massive understatement. I have never seen a bike so filthy. I think it had spent it's latter years as a messenger hack in London and therefore had a very hard life.
The engine ran very well. No noises or smoke and had only 40k kilometers on it. And it was cheap.
Got her home after a 700 mile road and ferry round trip and began the strip down. Apart from a few seized bolts, electrical glitchs and making good a few bodged repairs, it was just a case of lots of petrol, degreaser and pressure washer.
The fairing was badly cracked and needed repairing and respray ( RAL code 1003. Audi signal yellow). Fresh pads, new fork oil, change engine oil & filter and she is pretty much good to go. I even had a pair of Pirelli Dragons in the right sizes to go on.
Now, like a lot of guys on here, I'm a tinkerer. No skilled mechanic by any means but can find my way round a bike. As fortune would have it I bumped into a buddy the other day who has an FZR600 race bike in his garage with a wrecked engine. It has Maxton tuned forks & a Maxton rear shock. I can have this bike as a gift so, knowing this subject has been flogged to death on here, will the entire front end plug & play onto the MZ? likewise the rear shock.