New guy - new owner- transplant questions

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New guy - new owner- transplant questions

Postby Butters » Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:13 am

Hi to all. I became the proud owner of a 1994 Skorpion sport a month or so ago. To say it was unloved is a massive understatement. I have never seen a bike so filthy. I think it had spent it's latter years as a messenger hack in London and therefore had a very hard life.
The engine ran very well. No noises or smoke and had only 40k kilometers on it. And it was cheap.
Got her home after a 700 mile road and ferry round trip and began the strip down. Apart from a few seized bolts, electrical glitchs and making good a few bodged repairs, it was just a case of lots of petrol, degreaser and pressure washer.
The fairing was badly cracked and needed repairing and respray ( RAL code 1003. Audi signal yellow). Fresh pads, new fork oil, change engine oil & filter and she is pretty much good to go. I even had a pair of Pirelli Dragons in the right sizes to go on.

Now, like a lot of guys on here, I'm a tinkerer. No skilled mechanic by any means but can find my way round a bike. As fortune would have it I bumped into a buddy the other day who has an FZR600 race bike in his garage with a wrecked engine. It has Maxton tuned forks & a Maxton rear shock. I can have this bike as a gift so, knowing this subject has been flogged to death on here, will the entire front end plug & play onto the MZ? likewise the rear shock.
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Re: New guy - new owner- transplant questions

Postby mincehead » Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:47 am

As far as i`m aware YES the FZR600 forks being 41mm will indeed go in the Skorps yokes. Although you may not be able to use them as such unless you use the FZR600 yoke assembly because the front wheel and discs from the FZR might be wider than a Skorp Grimeca wheel and single disc set up.
Get the tape measure out. :wink:
If it were me I would drop the Skorps forks and yokes and offer up the complete front end of the FZR to see if it`ll fit on the headstock, stem length, bearings etc.
You`ll appreciate that from a weight point of view the FZR front end will be a disadvantage I`m guessing?
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Re: New guy - new owner- transplant questions

Postby Butters » Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:15 am

Thanks Mincehead. The only reason for the swap is that is chrome missing right at the top of one leg and a small pit just out of seal range on the other. Obviously it will only get worse in time. The wider fork spacing had'nt occured to me. I'll get the verniers out. One glaring question I forgot to ask is what about the rear wheel?
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Re: New guy - new owner- transplant questions

Postby mincehead » Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:19 am

Personally I would imagine it to be too wide, but.......................
IF the swingarm / complete assembly coul be persuaded to fit the Skorp you might be able to use it. Remeber though, the Skorp swingarm swivels around a spindle that actually goes through the rear of the crankcases not just the frame. :wink:
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