1980 250 mz

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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1980 250 mz

Postby townsends20 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:32 am

Hi Guys
I am a new member and need to pick your brains on this model. This bike was completely stripped down to the last nut and bolt and left in boxes in an old shed by the previous owner in 1983 and then he went and passed away leaving it hidden until last year. His brother gave me all the boxes of bits! (As I am a keen biker and mechanic) As far as I can see its all there and apart from time damage and the seat foam that a fox pulled apart to have her cubs in the shed.
It is re-storable (Just!) What I need to know is the exact model, I have no log book at this time all I have is the original bill of sale and a old tax disc, the bill of sale puts the model as MZ 250/1 the engine no.2401822 frame no.3760872 Can you help as I will need a parts book and parts.
There was also many other boxes of MZ 250 parts in the shed plus a 1962 bsa rocket goldstar in the same condition that is now fully restored and I am riding
I look forward to spending time with you all on the forum

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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby Louis Mair » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:20 am

Your bike is a TS250/1 which was imported until about 1978 (from memory). Some of them sat around and didn't get registered until later. You'll get copies of the original manual and parts list from the regalia section of the MZ Rider's Club website. Most of the parts you'll need are available (and still cheaper than the Japanese copies of MZs). The former-chrome panels on the tank are not available as far as I know. They look fine painted. The bike was sometimes called a Supa Five as it has five gears. 'T' stands for Telescopic forks and 'S' for Sport.
Considered by some to be the ultimate MZ (well myself anyway). The big-end bearing tends to get weary about 20k miles. Some people (who clearly have never ridden a BSA) greet about the front brake. The standard 6 volt electrics are vastly superior to Prince of Darkness products.
You're a lucky man!
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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby Skorpion » Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:39 am


Yes your bike is a MZ 250/1 Super 5, and has been said, is considered by many to be the best model.

The MZ Riders Club is the club to join for all information relating to MZ's, www.mzridersclub.com

Parts are available from


or check out


Good luck and enjoy.
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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby therealche » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:09 pm

Well done on getting your very own Supa5. Apart from the front brake, that needs some work to make it safe they are lovely bikes

The MZ lettering is almost but not quite logical. T seems to be telescopic,S may be sports and E is probably Earles. But then again even MZ couldn't be that conceited to rate almost all of their bikes as sports could they? And what should we make of the ETS designation?
ES250 Doppelport, ES250, ES250/1, ES250/2,ETS 250, ES150, ETS150, BK350, IWL Pitty, SR56 Wiesel, SR59 Berlin, Troll............ and thats just the German two strokes!
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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby radiograf » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:22 pm

I always understood that the S stood for swingarm, the E for single (1= eintz in german). I await to be corrected by those of greater Knowledge.
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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby Louis Mair » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:30 am

I'd tend to agree with radiograf; S for schwinger (Earles forks), E for single cylinder, Z (zwolfe) for twelve volts. TS has an invisible E to save confusion with the ETS.
If you can read Spanish you'll get more details at:
If you are looking for pictures to help with your restoration there are some good ones here:
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Re: 1980 250 mz

Postby radiograf » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:06 pm

This link http://www.sweller.co.uk/mz/specs/spc_codes.html gives a better explenation of MZ coding
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