Usually stalls out when I come to a sudden stop so I have to restart him. At least I have a workaround so I can continue riding

The problem is mildly annoying. Most likely I think the pilot jet is clogged. I looked at the carburettor and where that is didn't seem obvious. If it's anything I'm familar with, the float bowl comes off then it's accessible. Something I plan to do before it's too late.
Next, my choke cable doesn't work. It doesn't choke. I tried following it to the carburettor and the action seems there but there's no way of knowing whether the butterfly valve within is actually moving or not. This is not a problem now but it will be. If the bike sits for a while, and the weather is cold, I'll never get my bike started.

I don't know what caused my choke to all of a sudden 'go'. It was fine until I tried to start my bike after having sat for a couple of weeks and it wasn't easy. Normally there are 3 click positions for the choke, but I can only get two. It seems something is stuck somewhere and I need to find out what's causing it. Normally you have a fast idle when the choke is on, but I don't get any difference in idle at all, which is why I say 'it doesn't choke'.
If the pilot jet is okay, then only other thing I can think of, is the choke cable having come loose from the butterfly valve, which then ends up in a position of letting in too much air in at idle so the fuel mixture is a bit too lean to maintain idle. So fixing the choke might actually fix the idle.
All conjecture until I start getting into this.