Hi all, I am a newbie here though I have owned my 1000ST from new in late '2007. Unfortunately it has done very few miles (probably less than 4000; - not sure how many exactly as it had two new instrument clusters under warranty owing to a bizarre failure which caused the hazards to randomly flash...) as a result of too many toys and spending too much time working. It has developed an intermittent recurring fault whereby the engine will cut without warning, usually as I decelerate to a halt at a junction. The engine always re-starts, though it will occasionally cut out again almost immediately before re-starting successfully straight afterwards. The start delay relay appears to be working correctly as it needs the two second delay before I can restart once it has stopped. I get no warnings coming up on the instruments (just the usual for a non running engine with the ignition on) and I don't have to go through any special action to get it to restart - just press the start button. The side stand etc switches work correctly in their normal function.
I have got a fault code reader on order, but in the meantime has anyone experienced and solved the same problem or can anyone suggest what to look at/clean. I should add that I have been riding, maintaining and rebuilding bikes for well over thirty years so I am quite happy to get in amongst it, it's just a case of help on where to get started!
Many thanks