baghira carb

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baghira carb

Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:30 pm

Anyone with knowledge on the baghira carb...???

if i cant sell the baghira, what tuning options with the carb are available ??

is there any real good explanation on how the 660 carb works... ? i believe its teikei y26pv

what is the little thing on the side with the spring for is this an accelerator pump ? on the choke side..

and also is there a good explanation of the cv carb and how to tune it for best performance... i have read the cut two coild off the spring, and 7.5 turns out change jets etc... is this considered as the approach to tuning the carb or has this changed now ?

just need someone with some ears to answer a few questions..


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Re: baghira carb

Postby handsomejackuk » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:09 am

23 views 2 days and no one on the forum understands the carb... best go on xt660 forum then...

Strange are all the skorpion baghira riders gone ?
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Re: baghira carb

Postby basser23 » Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:09 am

there has been some mods to these carbs,but mainly jetting and such...go to for their carb kit info. there is not alot to do on these,most who want higher performance go with twin Mikuni or FCR's,some
go with a single TM 42 Mikuni...lrequires new manifold and bits, custom made)
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Re: baghira carb

Postby handsomejackuk » Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:01 pm

basser23 wrote:there has been some mods to these carbs,but mainly jetting and such...go to for their carb kit info. there is not alot to do on these,most who want higher performance go with twin Mikuni or FCR's,some
go with a single TM 42 Mikuni...lrequires new manifold and bits, custom made)

thanks for the reply... did have a blast on it today, and it does seem a load better... seems to purr along at real low throttle openings. i think i may back the synchrosiner adjuster off a little has made a big difference thogh cleaning the carb, new plug and the syndchorinse screwer.. i have the baffles out of my zortser too and even though it barks if i wind it on.. it purrs along lovely... i did open it up when going under a big realiway bridge and WOW awesome sound...

He He...
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