few pics....

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Re: few pics....

Postby den » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:28 pm

:oops: :smt005
Oh mutly,,you did it again,she he he he he ehheheheh
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Re: few pics....

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:07 pm

in my area that ring on the front fork tubes
is how we measure the depth of the pot holes we hit
as we ride to work

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:06 am

sugar loaf vineyards yesterday....



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Re: few pics....

Postby rodge70 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:36 am

deep puddle the other day :lol:

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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:32 am

great action shot rodge... any prob with electrics after that puddle.... ???

must say since i changed the oil, oil filter, new plug, new air filter, and sorted out the slop in my gearchange my baghira feels like new... only problem i seem to get now is if i leave it for more than say a week it becomes a bit difficult to start.... it will start but never first time...

anyone have any advice o n getting it to start a bit easier after a few days... some times it even flattens the battery...
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Re: few pics....

Postby rodge70 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:05 pm

al,i always run my carb out of fuel if i'm not using for a few days,makes a big difference,if i leave the tap on then try and start it after 4/5 days it almost flattens the battery :shock: never been a problem since i've ran the fuel out though each time :D

as for water in the electrics,no problems yet,the only issue i had when i first went in water was the cv carb breather being a bit low sucked water up and killed the engine,have now routed that up a lot higher and not been a problem since.
looking for another trail bike,after seeing your pics above reminded me how good these bikes look when there really clean,though do enjoy going off road on the baghira it will take a bit of cleaning and repair to bring it anywhere near as good as yours looks :roll:
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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:34 pm

i may try that from now on Rodge...its seems to be getting a bit more problematic... it never used to be as bad.. i think it may be time to invest in a new battery...

I did strip the carb a few months ago, and altered that carb synchronising screw... wouldnt have though that would have made any difference.. i may check the valve clearances shortly, as a few years ago it got difficult to start, and when i sorted the valves out it seemed to cure it....

yeah the old girl is still looking good for her age.. she got a bit wet yesterday coming down the sugar loaf, and i didnt get chance to give her the usual wash after ride out.. but will need to do it tomorrow, as there was some salt about on the road....

21,000 miles on it now... and still going strong...
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Re: few pics....

Postby Windmill » Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:50 pm

I was advised by the previous owner to run fuel out on my skorp for the same reason. Mine starts immediately if left up to 3 days but longer than that gets that problem.

However I found that if I drain the float bowl via the crosshead screw on the left of the carb before trying, it then starts on the button. Wondered if these are prone to the float valve sticking up when left for long periods? bearing in mind there is no water or contaminant in the fuel line, tank or carb, all cleaned out. Mine has the fuel pump disconnected if that's relevant, also wondered if the gravity feed pressure isn't good enough to unstick the valve so am leaving it with a full tank in layoffs and will try starting it next time on reserve fuel which may give a little higher fuel pressure? May be worth a try? :D
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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:42 pm

i am going to drain the tank again.. though, as a few months ago i removed the fuel filter and it was covered in black stringy gunk... it may be the same again... but i will try turning off the fuel after next run... to see if that makes any difference too...

and come to think of it the fuel was on reserve and pretty low....
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Re: few pics....

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:39 pm

using reserve is a good way to be working on it by the side of the road
at least on my rt125
i fill mine often but before i fill i drain a bit of fuel into a can from the reserve side of tank
if i do not then about 2 miles down the road i am draining the carb float bowl
filling up seems to stir up the crud

its been better now that i run real gas with no ethanol
in my area there are 2 stations that sell it mostly for boats
in a lot of states you can not get it

Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:26 pm

thought some of you may like this...

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Re: few pics....

Postby basser23 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:03 pm

I have a "Sugar Loaf" vinyard where I am from also...looks almost like that one...o curse I'm on the west side of the pond...Maryland,now in sunny Floriduh
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Re: few pics....

Postby handsomejackuk » Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:27 pm

heres a few from today...




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Re: few pics....

Postby sdbct1 » Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:44 pm

Dude those shots don't even look real!!! So nice :-D
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Re: few pics....

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:35 pm

post link for where to buy a camera like yours
its taking some real nice stuff
ps i have been looking for a new one for a couple months now
the wife took some shots of me at new years and the camera blew up
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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