LANDSURFER wrote:My experiance has been slightly different.
I have decided not to break the law.
I don't seem to have any problems with the police.
Do you think there may be a connection ??
It's a choice we all have .......
I meet people who think like this every day. Their attitude is "If you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to fear." Unfortunately, history teaches us that this is often a dangerously complacent mindset. Consider the sheer volume of new laws passed by the last Labour government in the UK, the transgressing of which could land you in a confrontation with authority even though you knew nothing of the new law you'd just broken.
You can be arraigned in the UK for doing nothing - all you need to do is sit in your house for a couple of months and do ..... nothing. Ignore all those letters and demands you get - TV Licence demands (even if you don't have a TV), vehicle SORN declarations, Poll Tax (even though you never leave your house or use any of their 'services'), Census forms (it's an offence not to, natch'...)...... and they'll eventually come for you and stick you in front of the beak. There you get a fine, where you effectively have to pay for them coming to get you. Unless you're elderly, in which case they find your skeleton a few years later.
But don't worry. if you don't do anything wrong ........................
I would suggest you are controlled and herded by today's law when it's supposed to protect you. The scary part is that so many people have lost sight of that fact, and their freedom has been leached away in return for an existence in a paper cage.
And look at the laws we are expected to obey. Speeding - where is the public interest in prosecuting a middle aged lady with a clean licence for doing 35mph in a 30mph limit on a deserted road at 0830hrs? Wouldn't it be nice if the resources devoted to the rash of 'Safety' Camera Partnerships could be directed at shovelling up the uninsured yobs, the tailgaters, the light jumpers, the brain-dead morons who overtake you on blind bends - or worse, meet you coming the other way. The traffic cops have been hugely reduced since the cameras came - but of course the cameras only catch 'speeding', conveniently ignoring all the other antisocial road-going behaviours we now have to endure. The result is that our motorways have become nightmares populated by selfish people with no thought for others, country lanes have become racetracks for children in their mum's cars and uninsured drivers have multiplied year on year. Ipso facto? The UK's reaping what it sowed.
I can remember when sensible coppers (remember them?) would give you a stern wigging if you didn't actually endanger someone by driving a little too enthusiastically - but the machine-driven system sorts everyone into the same black or white category with no sense of proportion. You either crossed an electronic line or you didn't and, if you did, then you pay them money. No advice from a traffic cop. No chance to explain that you sneezed and your speed momentarily slipped up by 5% before you could correct it. Nope - it's pay up and move on to make way for the next one. And don't start me off on the insurance companies who then legally make thousands from increasing your premiums for the next 5 years............. for doing 35 in a 30 limit on a deserted road.
But don't worry. if you don't do anything wrong ........................
From being judged by a trained copper watching your road-going antics and deciding whether or not you need a talking-to, we've slipped somehow to a system of trial and justice by machine and are milked each time we stand on one of the lines in life's increasingly regulated pavement. And no - I've never had a speeding ticket or been done for an offence - I just detest the corrupt self-serving system that so many Brits support so blindly.
My wife and I recently lived in France for some years, and the feeling of freedom was palpable. Sensible laws administered by sensible cops (who carried guns but who could be talked to and reasoned with). Break the speed limit in Versailles for example and you get a dressing down from a Gendarme - unless it was excessive (note the word' excessive'). Even the French speed cameras are set to record those who are driving well over the limit - not those trying to obey the rules but creeping accidentally over an arbitrary line. We found we had respect from the French authorities instead of the blanket "Paint 'em all the same colour and process 'em......" approach of the British system. I think something's gone horribly wrong with the UK system and it doesn't look too good for the future.
But don't worry. if you don't do anything wrong ........................
I hope you're joking but, sadly, I suspect not.