if both ends have rivets then its defiantly strippable,,mine was an American Johnson for whatever , i liked it purely because it was carbon fiber and the end had the correct 3 holes at the right spaces to fit my m4 type link pipe,,i would not have bothered if i didn't see any rivets in the add,lol , as soon as i got it i drilled out all the rivets and pulled it apart,,Its a straight through exhaust mind,i was left with outside cylinder , inner baffle tube and two ends,,i chopped off a "3 section of the cylinder and inner baffle , re-wound it with wire wool , bought some sweet(must be it was expensive) high temp silicone exhaust matting,and refurbished it,A good tip if your thinking of doing this ,
wrap the inner baffle with wire wool , very tight , about three turns,Then wrap the baffle with the high temp matting,,you need to be even when rolling and firm but not too tight , roll it till is just too big for the outer cylinder , now the good bit , Stick the whole baffle/wadding in a black bin liner(super thin ones that are useless as bin liners)and suck all the air out with a vacuum /Hoover,,get the picture, now slide the baffle in the bag inside the cylinder ,once your happy , poke the bag and let the air in , leave the bag in place , nothing will happen to it , mines still there ,, fit the end caps noting the orientation of the of the outlet tube direction and the bolt fixing holes , silicone seal and re river , job done ,
ps , i bought a stainless steel scorpion endcan that has the same bolt hole fittings for the m4 type link pipe if anyones interested,