Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

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Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby dee2me » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:57 am

My rear caliper is broken.
Does anyone know what type I need to replace it with?
I was hoping it was Yamaha compatible.
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby Windmill » Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:24 am

Sure on this forum is the answer-if you can find it on search........try brake mods? maybe someone else on here will know. However there are two on ebay uk priced at £57 each, maybe a bit pricey and with the shipping cost :cry:
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby dee2me » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:41 pm

I live in Belgium so I can't go that route.
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby edfmaniac » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:53 pm

I'm pretty sure that the caliper from the Ducati Monster 600 will fit and should be widely available in Europe. Why can't you order from ebay UK in Belgium?
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:31 am

any Brembo P32F will fit: Guzzi, Ducati, Aprilia; one of the most used calipers there is.
the problem is that the Grimeca garbage has threaded holes while NOTHING else does. Simply tap the holes of a Brembo for Helicoil inserts and bolt it on. While you are at it cut away the right side of the mudguard to the rear s rew hole so the caliper bolts are always easily assessible. The person responsible for that detail didn't think for 2¢!
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby tigcraft » Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:28 am

Bill Jurgenson wrote:any Brembo P32F will fit: Guzzi, Ducati, Aprilia; one of the most used calipers there is.
the problem is that the Grimeca garbage has threaded holes while NOTHING else does. Simply tap the holes of a Brembo for Helicoil inserts and bolt it on. While you are at it cut away the right side of the mudguard to the rear s rew hole so the caliper bolts are always easily assessible. The person responsible for that detail didn't think for 2¢!

Bill, do you really hate grimeca? I've had Ducati 748/monsterM900/900SL and ST4 on Brembo's Honda CB1300, Yam XJR1300 and many more bikes but None at all could be out stopped by my current Skorpion sport on grimeca's!! They seem to be so pin sharp, so shed any light?
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby Windmill » Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:39 am

Agree with you Eric, I've read various threads mentioning inadequate brakes but I can't fault mine :? Granted I've stripped cleaned polished etc those on my sport but they seem perfectly sharp and have good feel too. Appreciate this may not be the case under hard track use etc, is that perhaps what we are talking about? Not doubting the perceived wisdom on these, maybe I'm missing something here :|
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby basser23 » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:46 am

Just a note, my Grimmers were functioning normally with no real problems,they were even raced back in the early 2000's,BUT I have since replaced the front with a Brembo from a Mito
with new pads of course, and the difference is night and day....so much better feel and SO progressive..this is even with the Grimey master cylinder!
It was a cheap mod and worth every cent...rear master has been replaced with a yamaha dirt bike unit(rear sets required master change) and with this setup it really works well......
just a 2p worth... :D :D
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:15 am

Grimeca can a does make quality products (e.g.Ducati engine casings) but the OEM brake calipers (and the twin shoe drums) are simply crap. They are made from a porous, brittle, cheap alloy that deteriorates rapidly, especially inside, they break easily, threads are likewise easily stripped. Unlike Brembos, they cannot be rebuilt satisfactorily, either. I don't know about you, but I never, ever liked their on/off characteristic. I don't call that "pin sharp", I call it uncontrollable. They are only mitigated by the equally bad OEM rotor and toothless pads. They are probably the most changed item on the Skorpion and for good reason. Checkout the photo galleries of the continental forums (sic; correct is fora) and you probably see a preponderance of Brembos with a few 6 and even 8 pot exotics (which I think is gilding the lily) at the front. Granted the read brake is relatively unimportant, but when it is broken as in this case, there is certianly no reason to replace it with that same crap when a much better caliper is easily had and possibly cheaper, over here at least. The problem is not limited to MZs; the calipers on the pre-radial Aprilia RS125 are also Grimeca and just as questionable. Unfortunately for those boys, there are no bolt-on replacements so adapters need to be milled and some boys even resort to a different fork!
As I have often drawn attention to, the bike was supposed to have the adjustable fork, brakes and wheels from the TZ250R; the test bike still did. Then some marketing wise-ass decided that a sidecar should be offered, and the TZ parts were deemed too light. Last-minute foraging got the one-off (shitty! extremely heavy) wheels NOBODY else has (or would have) and the brakes to go with. The sidecar never materialized. The crappy wheels are actually a lot weaker than the Brembos they replaced, as many with unrepairably bent/broken wheel owners can testify.
And as any SZR (all Brembo) owner or Skorpion rider who has tested/replaced the crap can also testify, Brembo equipped (caliper AND pump) + good full-floating rotor and really good pads open up a whole new world of braking control. And it is basically not more expensive save for the price of good pads.
Poor to abysmally bad front brakes, not the topic here really, are more the rule than the exception in the 50hp (and less) class.It is not limited to the Skorpion by any means.
BTW, exceptional sidecar bike are built to order by Heinz Weber in Karlsruhe, Germany.
His own 13" Skorpion sidecar bike runs over 100mph with ±60hp at the rear wheel. Front Earls fork and sidecar subframe are his own manufacture. To keep up with Heinz on a twisty road, you have to be prepared to get your knee down.
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Re: Rare brake caliper skorpion traveller

Postby dee2me » Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:34 am

Thanks for the replies.
I found a guy that has a few original spares.
Normally I shouldn't be needing an other ever again but next time I'll go for Brembo then.

I don't want to pay for shipping from the uk, hence I don't want to order from ebay.
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