Alternative wheels

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Alternative wheels

Postby pod35 » Fri May 03, 2013 10:03 am

Has anybody tried the wheels from a cagiva mito on the Skorpion. The wheels look very similar and have 6 bolt brembo disc fixing and carry the same tyre sizes and they are available fairly cheap on Ebay. I'm guessing they won't fit for some reason otherwise someone would have done it by now.
Any thoughts?

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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby edfmaniac » Fri May 03, 2013 6:31 pm

As far as I know, nothing is an exact fit. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5518&hilit=swap
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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby pod35 » Thu May 09, 2013 10:05 am

I did some more checking and it turns out that the wheel is made by Grimeca. That means it is probably as heavy as the boat anchor used on the Skorpion. I was looking for an alternative to the yamaha szr/4dl wheel as they seem vary rare. I will keep looking.

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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon May 13, 2013 2:48 am

yes, the Mito wheel is just as heavy and crummy as the OEM wheel of the Skorpion.

I have written (and fit) several different wheels to the Skorpion; from $$$$ Marvic mags to economical TZ(R) Brembos. Sizes from 3.00/17 to 5.50/17 rears and 2.75/17 to 3.50/17 fronts. There are no plug and play examples to be had today.
I have posted weight comparisons and dimensioned sketches for the necessary spacers for the SZR and TZR Brembos.
my own personal favorites for the street are the 3.00/17 and 3.50/17 wheels from the TZR 4FL. I use these myself and have fit them to otherSkorpions. I used Marvics for racing. And I have fit several sets of SZR wheels. the last TZ250R rear wheels, 4.50 then 5.00/17, are quite rare but very good choices where a wider wheel is needed. Easy to fit (done it a few times) and light, the 4.5/17 is great for the 150/60-17 tire. the 5.00 right for 160tires. I ran a Bridgestone slick in 165/55 on my 5.50/17 Marvic and a 185/55 slick on the 6" Marvic of the Bimota. Fat tire, mean bike with 95+ rear wheel hp. and only 135kg ready to race. was documented at 95hp and over 250kmh onthe dyno.

I would not dream of using the crappy Mito wheels.
It will depend very much where one is for choices.
In Europe there are many choices.
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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby basser23 » Mon May 13, 2013 7:17 am

as always Bill is the info guru on these subjects....some on this forum have fit SV 650 wheels wothout much issue...texoot in the netherlands,and morbidelli17 here in the states.Granted morbidelli17 uses his for race only and has an SV front end also....texoot's is a streetfighter style and just basically redid the axles,front also uses an sv1000 rotor.....look em up using the search function
Good info.....oh, I think they are gen 1 sv wheels....
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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby pod35 » Mon May 13, 2013 8:25 am

Thanks for the info. Bill I did read all your posts about wheels, but I am working with a very tight budget (it took two years of nagging even to buy the bike :oops: ). I was looking for a wheel that was cheap and light.....I know, I know. There is a pair of 4DL wheels and discs on uk ebay at the moment but I can't justify £210 + delivery for something the bike doesn't need. I will look into the sv650 wheels as there a lot more about and should be cheaper. I am intending to refurb the wheels whilst running the bike on the grimecas and then swap so I can keep the bike on the road.

Thanks again

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Re: Alternative wheels

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Thu May 16, 2013 4:49 am


this is one of those 4.5"/17 Brembo TZ250RR wheels fit to a stock Skorpion Sport.
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