by den » Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:13 am
whooo , i like guessing games,,,i think i allready know what it is , but lets play anyways,,
1/Are there tarnish marks on it like its gets hot now and then
2/are the fine rotary scratches on the inside or outside,like theres movement involved
3/what type of material is it ,quality engineered steel for inside gearbox or galvanised metals for outside engine
4/was it bone dry when you found it or oily
5/are there weather marks on it
6/is there a little wear mark on the edge of the item where something may tighten against it
is it ..
A rear engine mount collar the fits between the engines mounting hole for the mounting bolt to slip into, used as an anti seize item.
Oh mutly,,you did it again,she he he he he ehheheheh