First of all welcome My name is Pawel, i am Polish but i live in beautiful island called Malta
2 months ago I bought a perfectly sustained 2003 Mastiff. I fell in love from the first sight and when I test dove it I knew i want it.
Like 2-3 weeks ago I noticed I lost turn signals. I found fuse box, blown fuse replaced with a new one. Everything was ok for 2 weeks. Now it is not. Every time I switch left turns it blows the fuse. Right can blink for eternity. I started inspecting the electic system. First i went thru wiring. I was a bit surprised that cables running to turn signals all 4 were cut, twisted and isolated. But ok, i unisolated them, and reisolated with a new tape. Still the same. Right ok, left blows the fuse. Today I completly dissasembled the left combined switch, i took out the turns switch, and even disasembled it. Besides some dust everything in perfect condidtion. I even tried to switch the left turns with removed bulbs- no change.
Any ideas where and what can I do more before i decide to pass my bike to an electrician?