Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

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Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

Postby Hireky » Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:48 am

Hi! guys,

Finally, I came back to Japan last year from Malaysia with my MZ125 SM. However, well, unfortunately, the oil seal of the Rear Shock Absorber leaked all of oil last winter. Maybe it was too cold for the rubber.

So, anybody knows the alternative oil seal? If there is some alternative part number, it is very helpful for me. When I overhauled front forks, the oil seal was made in NOK as Genuine Parts. If the part number for Rear Shock Absorber is available, I would like to order it and repair it in one shot. Sorry, maybe I should dismantle it and check the part number. I would like to save time. . . :mrgreen:

Thanks and Regards,
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Re: Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

Postby Nobog » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:39 pm

Is the rear shock even rebuildable? If so it would be under high pressure?

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Re: Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

Postby Hireky » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:32 am

Hi Jim!

Last weekend, I made up my mind to assemble my rear shock again. The reason was that I got one way to re-use the oil seal. The oil seal was just flat and ring shape which was insearted into a round block and capped by a flat ring. It is apparently sandwiched by the 2 parts.

I estimated the reason why the seal allowed oil to leak, as the oil seal would have been thin. So, I put a thin plastic washer to lift up the oil seal a little, so that it can take more pressure and to tighten the rod very much. Thus, I suceeded to stop the leakage.

According to my experience, the rear shock seemed rebuildable. If I have time and ask some supplier to find the oil seal, it could be some common size. This time, I didn't dismentle the rod structure, but, it seemed to rebuildable also, because I saw a nut on the end of the rod. It would be adjustable also by changing shim combination.

As you mentioned, when I locked the flat ring after pouring new oil, the rod had to be pushed into the cylinder. However, till the middle, my body weight was enough to push it in. I used a hydraulic press machine, but a portable jack could compress it also.

Well, I would like to install the rear shock to my MZ soon!

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Re: Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:33 am

the 125 is nice i have owned a bunch of bikes over the years and like my mz rt125 about the best of all
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Oil Seal for Rear Shock Absorber

Postby Hireky » Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:32 am

Hi Guys

Well, unfortunately, my rear shock has started to leak oil again. However, Graham Motorcycles helped me by introducing a good second hand one. Then, finally, I received it from Cornwall and confirmed it worked very well. I will install it to my MZ soon, so that I can enjoy my MZ again. The Japanese rebuild supplier explained the PAIOLI shock would need high cost to be maintained. In Japan, MZ is very rare, so it is difficult to find the second hand parts also. Thanks to Graham Motorcycles, I can continue enjoying my MZ.

Once I install it, I want to post some article again.

By the way, I knew Cornwall first in my favorite Manga. The Manga is very famous in Japan. I impressed the rear shock came from there. One day, I would like to visit there also.

Thanks and Regards,
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