Skorp jetting for pod filters. Help please

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Skorp jetting for pod filters. Help please

Postby Chalks » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:00 pm

Hi All.
I've been getting itchy at the thought of chopping my Baggy and can't bring myself to it so I've found a donor for a winter project.
I've just got my grubby hands on a Skorp in boxes, back together now and running. I intent to fit pod filters to reduce clutter for a cafe racer style conversion.
Anyone been down this road and have any advise on weather or not I need to rejet and if so any base settings to get started? I realise there are a lot of variables that will affect it running but its a stock motor and a short cone exhaust.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: Skorp jetting for pod filters. Help please

Postby basser23 » Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:12 pm

Start with getting a Tunebike kit,that'll get ya in the ball park....even with pod filters
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Re: Skorp jetting for pod filters. Help please

Postby edfmaniac » Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:56 pm

My bike is set up with pod filters. Try installing the Tunebike(Off The Road) carb kit and using 125/155 Keihin main jets. ... stiff.html

I love this site for finding jets. They give accurate photos and measurements so those of us with odd bikes have a better chance of ordering the right parts.
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