by shoebox1 » Tue May 20, 2014 8:41 pm
wow.. these things are something else...ok ive been reading and reading and getting ready to change the oil and run the valves. well the plastics are off at paint and the bike is kind of apart at this point but still running. so I drain the 17mm drain plug crack the 2 allens on the oil hose to the front tube and the 22 coarse banjo nut with screen. get all those draining.. real good. turn the oil filter lower bolt 5 turns per manual and then remove all 3. at this point the engine is "open to atmosphere" and should be empty. so I put the oil filter together per manual, install 17mm drain tighten the allen s on the oil hose and then the 22 coarse with screen. proceed to fill with 2.65 qts of 20 50 Valvoline motorcycle blend. run, crack filter bleeder. rags handy. no mess. !! oil did come out but not heavy no air in oil seen or heard. check level on side stand after 1min.. had to add 1/2 qt sounds familiar yes? ok now here comes the 5min road test... ooops I cant drive cause bike is apart. run upright in garage for 5-10 mins. good n warmed up. lttle rev here and there... side stand. let cool little bit. check level. way full over top! almost coming out of frame. total input prior to this point was approx. 3.5qts I think. remove oil filter bleeder no air or oil comes out. run again with bleeder way loose up right too and did get drip drip drip on ground. put it back on side stand came in kinda frustrated. had a bad day anyway... check it cold on side stand tomorrow? or does it have to been driven? I really don't want to have it on a jack running in garage.. also throughout all this the oil level on stick looked aerated and went from golden clean to lil darker,,,,,