brembo rear brake conversion

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brembo rear brake conversion

Postby den » Tue May 27, 2014 3:06 pm

so im interested in converting the brakes on my baggy to brembo,,i know the brembo p32f is supposed to fit the rear as a direct replacement
but cant see it myself, the grimcia is a floating caliper, the brembo is not for starters,,
Can anyone supply a photo of a baggy rear end with the mod in place,,
ive searched for the slipstream tuning baggy photos but can not find them..

many thanks,
Oh mutly,,you did it again,she he he he he ehheheheh
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Re: brembo rear brake conversion

Postby duncmac » Wed May 28, 2014 2:33 pm

Pretty sure I've seen something on tinternet that describes using a rear caliper from a ducati monster, but that you needed to helicoil "I think" the caliper carrier.

Found it, might not apply to us as this is for a scorp

Just a random thought

Theres a triumph tiger parked in the street I see on the way home, its swinger looks very very similar to ours... Wonder if the wheel/brake etc would fit..

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