by duncmac » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:00 pm
Cable snapped, just above the nipple.
Had a spare on the additional carb I bought a while back so just swapped them over.
The snap looks like it was due to corrosion in part, as the spring and back of the plunger had rust dust covering them.
Might be worth peeling back the rubber elbow and squirting in some ACF 50 for those with as yet unsnapped chokes!
Cable snapped by spring, replaced it with a spare from my other carb (love spares!)
Backed off the secondary carb opening by one turn while I had the tank off, see if that makes is smoother in traffic.
MZ Baghira 2002 - Silver
CBR 600 FY 2002 - Tri colour
Vespa T5 172 Malossi - Old English White