I managed to get to an autojumble (swapmeet if you're in the States) yesterday. Towards the end as sellers were packing up I chanced upon a cardboard box with assorted carb odds and sods. After a quick rummage I pulled out a couple of inlet rubbers that looked like they might be persuaded to fit my carbs. I explained my position to the vendor who very kindly said I could have them for a pound (£1

). I was so hasty in putting the coin in his hand that I forgot to have the other two identical rubbers laying in the box for an additional pound
Upon returning home I found that the rubbers indeed fitted very nicely but would require opening out to match the 33mm bores of my carburettor.
A quick trial fit.
This was when I realised that I had inadvertently picked up a dissimilar pair. Probably an outer and a centre rubber from a 4 cylinder machine.
I had already asked the vendor if he knew what machine they were from, he didn't. I think I still have a reasonable chance of making this pair work for me, but, kick myself that I wasn't a little more thorough at purchase time. I think my childlike excitement at the low cost overrode the clear thinking that would have served me better....Oh well, we live and learn.