by davegsm82 » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:28 am
Well I've fitted the 17T and it does seem better, not as 'snatchy' but perhaps that's because the original sprocket wasn't even bolted on properly, the nut was just finger tight and the tab washer hadn't been bent over.
I took it up to about 85 on my long, straight test track, obviously not on a road... no, of course not. While it didn't seem strained, it was definitely out of puff and I was almost at full throttle. Definitely gets to 70 and holds it better with the 17T though.
I think I still might need to invest in a 16T to pull the trailer and the wife comfortably.
What else could I be missing? does anyone have any sort of written procedure for tuning the Del-Orto Carb?
As for starting, it's a pig. I actually managed a first today and got it going on the kicker, albeit with my other leg and after it had already been running.