Right then here goes...
thinking of the up and coming dark nights of winter, and what to do with the MZ baghira motor, its now done 26,000 miles approximately, and i would like to take off the cylinder head to check condition, and do some work on it..
My initial thoughts are cylinder head off check condition of vavles, and remove, and relap them myself, i have done head work on cars before so pretty familiar with what to do...
anyone advise on this or any other cheap work i could do to maybe improve performance while the head is off thoughts of maybe different cams, or maybe sending it off for soem work...to be doen my main concern is cost though... and dont want to be spending hundreds on it...
also when the head is off will check condition of piston and any other things that can be done at the same time...
soem advice please and costs, including recommended places to get some work done to the head in U.K.
thanks AL...