Roadster problems

SM, SX, RT, FunX, and models re-branded as ATK in U.S.

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Roadster problems

Postby lovemyroadster » Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:11 pm

I have a 1993 etz 125 roadster but am having problems setting the carb as it runs but when you turn it off it won't start again but just floods also having trouble getting it to tick over just right as not sure what revs it is meant to tick over at.It has a bing 63 carb which info i have found is not the right carb but was on it when i got it,it was running ok but then the gear selector shaft broke so we have to replace with a 125 sportster engine,,Any help would be great to get this little loveable mz back on the road doing what it does best.
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Re: Roadster problems

Postby Agronski » Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:41 am

Welcome to the (wonderful?) world of MZ's - they can be quite fun, if you have a running one - and it's not hard to get them running, really.

As for you carb problem - flooding after switching off sounds like a float issue to me. Do the bike feel a bit 'lumpy' when you ride, even when warmed up? Does it make much more blue smoke than you were expecting? If so, you're probably running rich and the carb is likely over-full.

...after your next short run, take the bowl off, remove the float and give it a shake. If it sloshes or rattles, that's your problem - replace it. Not sure if the Bings have plastic or brass, but if it's brass, just buy a new one. Trying to empty, clean and re-solder a 30-year-old-brass float yourself isn't worth the effort, trust me :evil:

While you've got the floatbowl off, remove the float needle and check the needle is still sharp - if you can push it up and still blow through the petrol intake, the needle might be distorted/worn. Less likely than a punctured float, but you never know.

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Re: Roadster problems

Postby lovemyroadster » Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:58 am

Hi thank you for your help i will look into to these matters but not being carb minded i don't want to dig in and make it worst.
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Re: Roadster problems

Postby lovemyroadster » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:10 am

I have resolved the issue at present by replacing the spark plug with a new one,but now wish to find any one that can help me as i am trying to get hold of a rear rack for my sons etz 125 roadster i can not find no info nor no pictures showing one.
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