301 engine please

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301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:33 am

Hi to all
First post be gentle. In a fit of madness I picked up a near complete Fun 301 1993 tatty less an engine, Totally stripped and painted just putting it back together. I thought while I was cleaning every thing up an engine would come up for sale on a well known auction site no such luck. Would any members have an engine for sale in the UK preferable Dorset area? Any condition.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:12 pm

someone must have a sat in a puddle for ten years 301. I'm desperate :D
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:32 pm

drop a 250 in it ..upgrade it later
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:15 am

Cheers for the reply David, But there like rocking horse poo.
Okay anybody got a 251 kicking about :?:
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Cerberus73 » Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:37 am

Well i just picked up a ETZ250 engine, which i fully intend on reboring out to 300cc cheaply via the MZ riders club UK Facebook page, am also a member of the MZ riders club UK.. its probably your best bet to pick up a engine by joining the club there.. i know how hard the 301 engine is to find, as its the best way to get more torque and midrange out of a 250.. just drop on a 301 top end, so a lot of the 301 engines are sat in earlier 250 ETZ chassis, i looked on evilbay for months looking for a 301 barrel and head. also go onto ebay look for a guy whom uses the name kgs47mz-parts, Kev is a very nice fella, and is a MZ specialist breaker, his number is on there or drop him a email, asking if he has a complete 250/251/301 motor. another route is to stick a wanted add in free ads paper locally, or on gumtree in your area. Still a good few MZ's laid up in peoples sheds and garages.

In all likelihood any engine you acquire will need a rebuild, so budget this into your calculations.. as a guide the existing original 250 motor in my bike is costing me oh £130 to rebuild including bearings, gaskets, various small parts like circlips, spacers, thrust washers, clutch plates etc and the clutch, alternator and crankcase splitting tool, i don't need a piston or new small end bearing, as its just my crank seals that went, and I'm rebuilding motor cos i wanna make sure its up to my standard (I'm picky as hell) and the engine has been a little problematic since i got the bike. The spare motor will get a rebore to 300 and rebuilt the same way as a drop in spare. Bear in mind a 250 engine rebored to 300 cannot be bored out again if it seizes as thats the limits of the barrel, and the head needs a little work to match to maintain correct squish etc.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:13 am

Cheers for the great info, I have contacted Kgs47mz-parts but nothing as of yet. You are defiantly right about the 301 rare as hens teeth. I have conceded and am looking for a 250, are all the 250s the same apart from the electrics, Do the cases have to have the mouth opened up for the 301 barrel.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Cerberus73 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:55 am

No as far as I am aware its just a rebore to 300 and the head modification. I'm more tempted to sit and work out what oversized 250 piston to use to get 275cc or as close to. Since it would allow a further rebore later if required. And shouldn't require head needing nodded either. I think I shall conduct further research.

Good luck finding a motor, the later ones were electronic ignition, rather than points and condenser. My original motor is points. But am converting to electronic with a kit from mz-b. Burwins in London may help source a motor as well. You can google them for there number.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:45 am

Thanks for the info. I'll check out the MZ Riders Club as well.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby brennain1 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:52 am

Well i just picked up a ETZ250 engine, which i fully intend on reboring out to 300cc cheaply via the MZ riders club UK Facebook page, am also a member of the MZ riders club UK.

I didn't know their was a MZRiders Facebook page and can't seem to find it either, is it possible that you could post a link to it. Cheers, Bren.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Cerberus73 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:04 am

hope this isn't against the rules here.. but heres the mz riders Facebook page.

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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Blurredman » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:35 am

Good luck finding an engine. I managed after over a year of going through the auction sites to acquire an overbored 250 as others in this topic have mentioned. I supposed it was that or nothing.

I was lucky in that all the work and research was done by the previous owner, or one before him. I simply lowered the engine and swapped over the barrel, piston and head. I have not changed the fuelling, nor ignition. And I've been running it for a while now, looking at my records since it was March last year, but I've only put on 1,100 miles on it. (I'm slacking now that my daily rider is so very much more reliable than it used to be - 10k on that this year).

As far as i'm aware it seems to be going well, and certainly suprises some cars on the traffic light race, occasionally. :-D When I take the opportunity to ride it, I do love it! It's just a shame the gearbox is so sloppy :lol: :lol:

As far as I can gather, having a 300 over the 250 is indeed an improvement, I could instantly tell as much when I first installed mine, You could almost allow it to propel itself in first by just slipping the clutch. But the extra what 1.5/2hp? experience soon fades and you wonder was it really all that worth it? One of the big reasons I upgraded was my original had a poorly scored piston, and considerable piston slap. But otherwise I might not have bothered, I may have probably found no difference at all if my original 250 barrel and piston were of good spec.. :?: The fact I get considerably more MPG on average per fill up just proves how inefficient the old piston/barrel was, as the 300cc is supposed to be a bit more thirsty in practice. I always had low to mid/high 50's, but now get a good constant mid 60's just about every time.
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:34 am

I`ll check out the Face book page, cheers
I think I might have lost interest in the project if it takes a year to find an engine :wink:
I'm sure I'll find one sooner rather than later. What will probably happen is I'll get a 250 then be flooded with 301's.
cheers all
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:50 pm

I'll get a 250 then be flooded with 301's.

you never have enough daily drivers
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Badboydas » Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:12 am

Not a bad idea, what do you think would be a reasonable price for engine in a running state?
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Re: 301 engine please

Postby Cerberus73 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:06 am

Make sure you get the carb/manifold for carb as well if you don't already have one. as that will just mean more looking around and expense. i guess if its running and don't need any work, and you know when it was rebuilt or if low mileage is correct that £100 - 150 is ok for a engine that don't need work.. theres always a element of risk… don't ask me how i know! :D the 301 could either have the BVF N3 type carb or the Bing carb depended in whether its a early or later model 301 engine. also best to get the complete ignition setup as they changed it and the parts you have may not be compatible with the engine you buy.. more expense if need to hunt around. remember these motors aint light, they weigh 40kg dry. so factor in courier costs to your price.
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