I've had charging problems in the past.......http://www.mzriders.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7577.....and they're back! The bike has been running great ever since and I've been using it more than ever. I had done about 100 miles yesterday and the first thing I noticed was the rev counter needle dropping to zero and jumping back up after a while but the engine hadn't stopped. I got a petrol station, just. There was pretty much nothing left. When I turned the key, the neutral light flicked on and off repeatedly......not sure if that's a clue?
The recovery truck came. Battery had 10v, I think. He jump started it. Revving was causing the volts to drop rather than increase. Everything else seemed fine for the minute it was running. When I got home, I put the battery on charge. Last night, I tried to start it and just got the click of death. Similar clicks when I pressed the horn button. The battery has been on charge all night & I'll try it again later but not expecting much. Battery might be knackered but that's an easy thing to sort out.
I never worked out how to check the stator last time as was suggested. Honestly, because I've no idea where to find the connector! Can someone point me in the right direction please, in very simple language?! I'm also open to any thoughts about my latest breakdown.......does anything above point to anything specific?