Bought originally as a winter hack to a gsxr600 in 2001 then I bought the R1150gs behind it in 2002 and used it during the winter and along side the GSXR600 in summer and later a Yamaha R1 anniversary which I sold in June. Thinking of selling the R1150gs now 13 years and 60,000 miles and getting a Tracer as they are so much lighter and faster the MZ might be doing winter duties again it only has 18000kms on it or just over 11,000 miles.
It had laid up so long it has suffered the slightly enlarged tank syndrome and I had to remove dismantle and clean the Carbs. The paint was flaking on the side stand centre stand wheels and forks so all except the forks were sent for powder coating and the tyres were so old I replaced those and the non adjustable brake always irked me so I put on a nissin front master cylinder and lever from a 2006 Honda CB500F. Its all running really nicely now and Id forgotten how much fun it is to ride......not the fastest but neither am I any more