Chuck in Indiana wrote:I've looked pretty hard for a bolt in replacement for the cooling fans. So far, no luck.
I'd think this one ... 46&vxp=mtrappears to be good quality. A guy could band saw off the mounting ears on the old fan and epoxy them to this one.. at least that's what I'm going to do if I don't find any suitable donors at the Japanese bike wrecking yard in Indy.
Ok, here's how I did it.
Find some suitable junk steel, lay out the hole locations, drill them, and bolt it to the old fan.
Saw the mounting ears off. The steel fixture will keep the mount holes in the right location. Fit them up to the new fan with a die grinder, Dremel, whatever you have. Find a clamp to hold everything in assembly while the epoxy is curing. This one may be a little overkill, but it's what I found.
Gotcha some waxed paper? Wouldn't want to epoxy this to the bench.
Apply a generous bead of epoxy to the mount ears and fan. Wiggle it around a little. Set it on the wax paper, and clamp it gently.
Be patient.
Here we go, a bolt on replacement that is sealed. Water and dust proof. These should actually work instead of the crap OEM fans..
After the epoxy fully cures, remove the drill fixture, sand and add a generous fillet of epoxy all around if necessary.