Hi All, I have a new problem too. Not as dramatic, I hope, as Buellers cam, but perplexing. The story goes...
I rode my '98 Skorpion Tour to work the other day. It's about 20 miles on the freeway at speed, 4500 RPM +. Everything ran well until I got off the freeway. At the bottom of the off-ramp it died. As I was at a light at the head of a line of cars, I just pushed the Start button It started normally but wouldn't sty lit below about 2000 RPM. I limped the last blocks to work and trucked it home the next evening.
I'm still getting to know the bike. About 100 miles ago I fouled a plug so I leaned it out fairly severely. It ran great so I never re-checked it. Pulling the plug after my 'event' I found it looked extremely white & lean. Being an optimist I changed the plug, raised the needles, ensured both carbs are opening and put if back together. No change.
The bike starts normally with or without the choke but dies in a moment unless you catch the throttle up to 2K RPM +- or more. It runs normally there and *seems* to produce normal power. As I don't know the bike all that well I'm at a loss as to where to begin. My thoughts are a burnt valve, hung de-compression system or maybe even an ignition timing problem. My only clues are the sudden onset at speed and a very white spark plug.
So first, can I even check the compression (if I go get a 12mm gauge fitting)? Is it time to pull the head to have a look around or is there an easier approach? Your collective wisdom, or entertaining guesses highly appreciated.