Awesome! You've somewhat (somewhat) inspired me to put the drum front back on my ETZ250. I gave up on it and put a disc wheel on and was gradually getting used to it and bedding it in when the brake cable sheath crumpled!!! I do prefer the look of the drum though. It did always interest me that there is enough space in the front hub to make a drum shoe almost twice as wide as it is currently, and that would have been adequate enough to counteract the poor leverage design. But keeping the same size drums front and rear is typically seen as an advantage to the makers of a motorcycle for less hassle and also for the user for interchangeability when necessary. Most manufacturers are guilty of it, and it's perfectly normal practice.
Drum's aren't bad, and people always complain about them for what I perceived as just the usual berating by MZ owners about their front drums, but i've had many bikes with front drums all of them half width like the MZ and they are more than adequate when properly bed in and of a good design. But i've never had a bike where I had to use the rear more than the front in typical daily riding then an MZ 250 drum. They truly are awful.
Just my two pence
I'm glad you've got yours working nicely!! I love originality, even more when it works properly.