Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65
den wrote:I would think draining the carb before mothballing would dry out rubbers inside carb,,i never drain the carb, i just flush it through before starting,something soaked in petrol all its life would not like drying out,
Tony101 wrote:Hi, Quick update. before I tried Dave's idea of extra fuel pipe I had a quick play with the pilot screw as edfmaniac suggested. Screw out 7 turns and she then started on the button straight away! Looks like i need to spend sometime on the carburetion to get it set up properly. It also might explain the strange 'altitude sickness' the bike suffer this summer while negotiating the Stelvio and Grossglockner passes, as I climb higher and higher the bike would just splutter and refuse to pull cleanly from tick over, it would eventually clean up if revved through the fluffiness. And as soon as we descended down the problem cleared and it ran perfectly again. Thought it might have been a blocked air filter, looks like i may have been on the right track after all.
Thanks for all the advice everyone
PS I did actually drain the carb before laying it up as now paranoid about gumming my carbs up, after all the horror stories you read. I also try and stick to branded Super unleaded as most do not contain ethanol, or so i am lead to believe.
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