OK Puffs, yeah we are in sync now. That was my point with this technique. I also thought that TDC could be easily read, but BTDC by any accuracy with mm would give Pythagorus some sweats.
My update from today is sort of mixed in good and bad.
I decided to test ride today after making sure all cables were well lubed over night. I also had to cut the rubber covers off the chain. Seemed easiest given they are 1 piece and not expensive to replace.
I think there is something wrong with the clutch as it just sort of grabs all of a sudden. Not impossible to work with, but needs some improvement. I need to drain what I put in and get some 60w gear oil. Though no one responded to my question about the gear oil the 4 times I asked...
The other "issue" was it wanted to stall under heavy load which required I re-choke and restart the bike. So something is off in the tuning for sure. Not sure what.
IF anyone has any thoughts or experience with the stage I am in I would appreciate advice.