by boysie » Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:22 pm
Yeah, I did mine and it makes a fair bit of diference, there's not much point in just doing the big piston, get the head gasflowed at the same time...This gives the bike a lot more grunt,but still keeps the laid back nature of the standard motor...
BUT beware, it can cost a lot, I started out just doing the piston and head as the bike was using a fiar bit of oil, and it was my opinion that there was not much point in puting a stock piston back in.. As it turned out the extra compresion un-earthed a new problem, the small end was US..
So, then another decision had to made do I get a standard Yamaha rod or a Carrillo, then while the motor is apart it also had a new cam chain and taller first gear... So you see it can get expensive.
It has tured into a good bike, but if you had told me it was going to cost £1400 before I started, then I'm not sure