And there you were saying that originality doesn't mean best.
I have no experience of Bing carburettors, but I've read alot into carburettor swaps on these bikes.
But out of the original line available with these bikes, I still think the BVF 30N3-1 has got to be the best BVF carb..
You mention performance, but alot of people find fuel consumption to be better on other carbs than with the originals. Did you notice any mpg increase- or even decrease? If it decrease, is this potentially because you were testing the bike to the limits and were feeling throttle happy? What if you rode it like a normal person on a commute?
Perhaps what you should do is map out a track route. only about 10-20 miles of a nice circular road. One with some city traffic, some with country lanes, maybe a part with a nice place to do a full throttle run. Do the route several times find out what gear you need to be in or where the rpm's are at specific intervals... Then swap carbs.. Can the new carb seem to climb that hill a little better than before? Did I previously need to change down to be able to take that corner without labouring the engine?
You could even fill up the tank for each carb and measure consumption...
Or maybe that's just way too much effort