I'm looking for a bit of advice, a few mates and I came up with a cool idea of flying to Italy and buying vintage Vespas and driving back home to Ireland. The general idea being a cool holiday seeing loads of Europe and have a project to work on restoring it. However when looking into buying a vehicle in Italy it looks to be to be impossible unless you live there. So we did a bit more research and came across the MZ TS250 and thought that might fit the bill. Looking at this community you guys know these bikes inside and out can you give me your opinion on the following:
1: Overall is this do-able over 7-10days? I was thinking 2.5-3 hours driving each morning about about the same again each afternoon.
2: Which bikes do you recommend? I like the TS250 but with the comments on here about the brakes perhaps we should be looking to buy ETZ250 or ETZ251 for this trip?
3: As you guys know the bikes what spares should we bring with us to keep us on the road?
4: anything else you guys think we should know?