My Masfiff tinkering.

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My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby breakwellmz » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:22 pm

Went out for my first ride today after some long overdue work on the chassis.

Wirth progressive fork springs fitted with original spacers, forks flushed out and 700cc of 10W oil in each.

Bar risers removed (back to original) forks raised into yolks about 20mm (Until they hit the underside of the bars!)
Stripped out rear linkage( all good) and fitted lowering links, dropped back end approx 40mm, and made the rear suspension more comfortable as expected (shit roads around here) :roll:
The brakes had a full strip down and "refresh"

Not surprisingly it now feels a lot more positive and agile and fun to `point and squirt` on the twisty stuff despite being about due for a new front tyre! Well worth the effort!
Lets get those carbs off(Again!) and dig out that old end can and link pipe out the garage! :D
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Re: My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby Puffs » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:58 am

Good on you!

You may have shit roads, here we have shit roads AND snow...
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Re: My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby breakwellmz » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:40 am

And us!
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Re: My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby Puffs » Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:09 am

Well, that aside I'm a bit puzzled by what you said. You dropped the front by 20mm & the rear by 40, so the steering head angle got flatter/more lazy? OK, I don't know how the progressive springs you mention compare with the standard ones, those progressive ones might give 20mm more static sag, balancing it out. Probably the combination resulted in a steeper, more direct angle?
And a different linking dropping the back end suggests a shorter stroke (assuming the 'fully compressed', or 'stop' position remains the same), hence a stiffer suspension action (as you would want), but then you call that 'more comfortable'? Don't you have to check your teeth after you hit a pothole?
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Re: My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby breakwellmz » Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:25 am

Puffs wrote:Well, that aside I'm a bit puzzled by what you said. You dropped the front by 20mm & the rear by 40, so the steering head angle got flatter/more lazy? OK, I don't know how the progressive springs you mention compare with the standard ones, those progressive ones might give 20mm more static sag, balancing it out. Probably the combination resulted in a steeper, more direct angle?
And a different linking dropping the back end suggests a shorter stroke (assuming the 'fully compressed', or 'stop' position remains the same), hence a stiffer suspension action (as you would want), but then you call that 'more comfortable'? Don't you have to check your teeth after you hit a pothole?


It has a larger than standard rear tyre on it which had jacked up the back end from standard.
A longer rear linkage makes the rear suspension softer by my reckoning which is what i DID want.
By taking away the 1" bar risers i now have more weight over the front.
The replacement fork spring were the same length as the originals.

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Re: My Masfiff tinkering.

Postby Puffs » Fri Feb 14, 2020 4:35 am

Ta for explaining!
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