Service time!

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Re: Service time!

Postby Blurredman » Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:38 am

Well, here we are. A week after putting the caustic soda in I emptied it out as best I could (given all the traps and channels inside an exhaust) and wacked the exhaust on some wood a couple of times, shook it around and wacked some more.

Here is the outcome:


Forgive the image quality- it is poor. and there is water on teh ground too, so the context between carbon and wet concrete may not make the carbon output seem much, plus there is some off camera too.

As you can see- there isn't all that much that came out. I have put the exhaust back on the bike and intend to take a birthday ride to my parents after work, via the motorway to get some heat into the exhaust to get rid of any loose flakes still hanging on, and also get some heat into that exhaust to expell/boil that water out to stop corrosion.

We'll see how well it does- and whether I can get over 70+mph in top! It's a fairly windless day so far so it'll be a good test! I'll then decide whether I should give it another treatment.. or feel happy enough.

I think it was a bit more game to get to 80. I did 75 and feel that it would get to 80. But could hear a ticking. I think this is chain slap however as it is speed related (you can hear it from 65+) as the intensivity increases with speed. The problem with the big 21 tooth front sprocket is the difficulty in achieving a nice medium between proper chain slackness and if wrong a little bit it can probably quite easily hit the lower exit port of the case. There isn't much in it, esspecially with the force of being run I imagine.
Will need to check the tension.

But yes.. It seems like it has more pep at the top end.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 9,000 miles
1981 Honda CX500B - 91,000 miles
1987 MZ ETZ300 - 38,000 miles
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Re: Service time!

Postby Puffs » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:21 am

Your love for plants leaves room for improvement, but congratulations on the successful cleaning!

I think 75MPH is all you should expect from a standard 251.
Unless you go downhill, or with a gale in the back. And it depends how deep you tuck in, what you wear, mirrors, tyre pressure, ...

And congrats with your birthday too!
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Re: Service time!

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:42 am

they all do 132 mph when they fall out of a airplane and the chute does not open
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Re: Service time!

Postby Puffs » Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:17 am

Not the J-ETZ:Image

Edit: now that that works... planes have little to do with how the bike runs.
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Re: Service time!

Postby Blurredman » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:41 pm

Okay, so I had the top off the Suzuki TS185 engine.. there is a tiny amount of movement of the piston on 3 thou- but on 4 thou there is none.

It also has a cheap piston and I think maybe 600 miles on it, but I think the piston re-borers did rebore to the 3/3.5 thou that they said they did..

So potentially the etz piston has just worn into that excess gap. :-D
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 9,000 miles
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Re: Service time!

Postby Puffs » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:42 am

Ta, and apologies derail with the aircraft.

To re-focus & take off where we left:
Blurredman wrote:Which gives me an idea I can possibly do in the future to determine their thruthfulness. I have also had a Suzuki TS185 barrel bored at the same place with a 2 thou clearance- The piston is higher quality, but even if it wasn't- I've have done no more than 600 miles.. Measuring that barrel and piston would be a good indication of what the garage would have done at the time...

So measuring that Suzuki TS185, at the piston's skirt, with feelers, you now judge the clearance to be 3½ thou = 0.089mm, after just 600 miles. That's quite a lot of wear, coming from 2 thou = 0.051mm. Now initially the wear will be more, on both piston & barrel, but still from these data I'd suspect they bored it to 3 thou = 0.076mm, rather than the quoted 2 thou clearance. And quite possibly they did similar with the 251 (where 0.08mm is about right for the RAM).
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