Viral Interlude

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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Thu May 28, 2020 3:08 am

When MZ in Zschopau went belly-up, from what was leftover they formed a company that continued to deliver parts to the very significant number of MZ owners & riders worldwide (but mainly just behind the Wall that had fallen). At that time, the parts they supplied mainly came from their original suppliers, or were old stock, anyway, all of good quality. But over time, their original suppliers looked for different pastures, and their old stocks dwindled. As there was ample demand for parts (over the years MZ has sold millions of bikes, and if you maintain them they continue to ride), new suppliers emerged, and also several new traders: the whole business turned & became commercial. Or maybe I should say: everyone focussed on cheapest. Anyway, that parts shop in Zschopau was sold off, and they continued as PowerDynamo (developing quality electronic ignitions).

While the parts business has turned very commercial, with a strong focus on cheap, I do not quite agree with "It doesn't seem to matter
these days who you pick.". I like to think there are traders that take pride in supplying quality parts, and that do verify the quality of the parts they supply prior to selling them on. But those parts are not found at the bottom of the price range.

Note I'm not saying 'If you pay more, you'll get better stuff'. On the contrary, a higher price (or higher shipping costs) is no guarantee on quality. Only that the cheapest part is not likely to be the best. If you pay peanuts...
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:56 am

Hi Puffs,
That's a very interesting post, I did not know that was where Power Dynamo started from, my Saxon Tour 301 has that fitted. I must explain why I use Parcalari, especially as they are so difficult to get communication from. The reason is price of course, but also they usually have everything I need from one place. Ok, the quality is not up to, say, Honda quality, but, just look at the prices of parts from Silver's for my CB 400A, I am not kidding, makes you weep.
I obviously picked the wrong supplier from Ebay for my clutch plates, I will not use them again ( they still haven't replied yet). I completely understand what
you are saying about suppliers and quality and if you want the odd parts that's fine, but there were 38 parts in my order so. Take care Puffs, great info.
Stay safe Alan
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:41 am

Hi Guys,
Hope you are all ok, I have been a bit quiet these last few weeks trying to get on with my Saxon 301 build, and I must say it's not been easy, although i'm getting there. To be honest though when I started the re-build I did not imagine all of the difficult problems, as an example, on the engine there is attaching
the down tube of the exhaust to the cylinder there is a large nut (manifold nut) now, in the boxes there were 2 of these so I thought Great, pick the best one,It disappeared into the cylinder so that I couldn't use the c spanner, same with other one. Then I noticed there was another nut on the old exhaust asy, tried that one, same problem so I looked at the engine (before I started work on it) wonderful, there was another one in the cylinder and it was different from the other 3
it had a raised part for the c spanner, I thought, that's it, trouble is that step stops the blasted thing from going in far enough to hold the down tube, it would probably work if I put 3 gasket rings instead of one. I have sent to Germany for one that I think and hope will be ok. so, if anybody wants one of these nuts etc. I have a few. Anyway guys as you all know if you take a bike to bits, ok you should be able to re-build it, but if you start with 7 boxes of bits beware!!!
Take care wish you all well Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:32 am

Ta for the update Alan! Would you have any pics?

Sounds like a mismatch between the cylinder & manifold nut. Yes, apparently there is a great number of parts with minor variations... So that's what you may get if you get a box full. Maybe see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9624&p=49346&sid=8b878da47f3b0f5a85207c0d71f96c77#p49338; a 301 barrel would of course be a 251 with a bigger bore.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:35 am

Hi Puffs,
Thanks for your thoughts, actually the engine is a genuine 301 as stamped on the case. The trouble is with a complete bike if there is a part that needs replacing, you at least can see what the part looks like, but with boxes of bits you are not sure what was on the original bike, if at all.
Anyway Puffs, regarding the pics, I am not looking in the right place, but how do I add them to the post. Another thing, Istanbul, I must stop using them their
communication is absolute crap. I have just been talking to Martin at Berwins for some brake parts that are missing from the boxes and it was a pleasure talking to someone who understands what you are asking.
Safe riding take care Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:00 am

To add a pic (or any other attachment), click on 'Upload attachment', click on 'Browse' and select the file, then 'Add the file'.
Upload pic.jpg

Ta for the feedback on Pecalari, and I hope you still get all you needed - ride safely too!
Had a great trip yesterday, but now the weather turned.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:24 am

Hi Puffs,
Thanks for that info, for some stupid reason I just didn't see that upload att until yesterday, it's the age thing. I will have a clear up and take some pics
tomorrow. Thanks again for your help. Stay safe Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:54 am

Not finished yet
This was as I received it.

Hi Guys,
This first pic is as I bought it and the other pics are as is at this time, not finished yet obviously
Sorry if the pics are the wrong way round and I am restricted for room but when complete I will move it outside
for a better view.
Thaks for looking, wish you well Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:42 am

As I received it
Hi Guys,
This pic is of the engine as I received it
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:51 am

Thanks Alan!

Is that a 16" rear wheel? It looks bigger.
I don't know the Saxon and I don't think I've ever seen one in the flesh. I knew they had different mudguards & styling, and centre stand, but other than that I always thought that the 301 was very much the same as the 251, just with a bigger bore. But it also looks like you have different footsteps & pillion footrests.

And then it starts to look very much new...
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:24 am

Hi Puffs,
Thanks for that, yes, the interesting bit is on the frame you still have the bracketry to take the bar type footrest whereas the Saxon has alloy castings
( using available aluminum ) as MZ did, often, so you have fold back rider footrests, mind you I don't think I would earole the bike at my age, sad really.
I only have to service the front brake caliper and then comes the bit that could be a worry, and that's the electrics. To be honest, although I was a design engineer for 30 yrs, electronics is not my thing. I find that most wiring diags are usually difficult to sort the colours out it's all too small and when you blow it up, too fuzzy. Anyway, the good bit is I have a running Saxon along side so I should get it sorted, eventually. As I said when it's finished I will post some better pics. Safe riding wish you well Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:37 am

Hi puffs,
Sorry I forgot to mention the wheel size, yes it is a 16in with a 3.5in tyre. The front is an 18in. The rear hub has a 150 x 30 shoe on both my Saxons, you
remember we talked earlier about the available parts in the mid 90's well, the books show the rear shoes to be 160 x 30. So, certain people are selling the wrong
shoes just because it says that's what it should have, silly really.
Anyway take care Alan.
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Puffs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:01 am

Ta for that info Alan. Then tyres 16"R/18"F are same as on the 251, but indeed the footrest construction is different.

I do not like the footrest position on my 251, they are too far forward. That makes it more difficult to manoeuvre on the bike (lift your behind to shift weight), and puts too much weight there. I'm thinking of modifying that bit on my bike. Can I ask you to post some pics showing details of that construction, and what the frame around it looks like?

Good luck with the electrics!
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby Blurredman » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:59 am

You Saxon owners (and those intruiged) may well find Daniel Noerst's posts about his Saxon quite interesting..

I used to follow it- but he has since sold his bike, so he makes no more- but his videos are fairly detailed and insightful, even for the construction of the bike too, Puffffffs!

I would watch from oldest first as they are episodal.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 9,000 miles
1981 Honda CX500B - 91,000 miles
1987 MZ ETZ300 - 39,000 miles
1989 MZ ETZ251 - 50,000 miles
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Re: Viral Interlude

Postby AlanJ » Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:57 pm

Hi Guys,
Those utube videos are very interesting especially as I have two of them, and for Puffs there is plenty to show the footrest situation. I have a feeling the guy is Dutch, I have heard him before at some time, I feel sure. Apart from the fact that the two bikes only cost £682 the reason I bought the Saons was first they were 12v and 301's, I just thought they would be upmarket of my TS 250/1. To be honest though I think that both types have their own character, just good fun to ride.
Stay safe Alan.
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