96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

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96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby WaiNYC » Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:43 pm

I wrote in another message that one reason for my liking the bike is because of its simplicity, and I could use it to learn about motorcycle mechanics. And man, is the Skorp giving me lessons.

The latest, which is enveloped in the need to do valve clearance, that in itself is due to an engine that dies out (see that post here:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10804&start=15 ) is that while adjusting the clearance, I had a small nut dropped into a space inside the valve chamber. Here:

0822 nut dropped in gap inside valve chamber.jpg

I am trying very hard to suppress anger at myself for the stupid mistake and my dismay at the implications, and trying to look at this as some lessons in mechanics. And I have three areas of help that I need from the community here.

The piston is in the TDC position when the nut went into that gap. I used a magnetic pick-up tool but I could not find anything because the magnetic tip is tad too big to go deep inside. I am now trying to buy a smaller one. The lost nut is small, and the magnet does not need strong pick-up power, but It needs to have a small magnetic tip : the one i have is 8 mm in diameter and 27 mm long.

Help number (1): If you know a pick-up tool that has a smaller magnetic tip, I would greatly appreciate a reference.

I am also researching for getting an understanding of the anatomy of this engine. (Help number 2 --> ) Given that it's at TDC and where the nut is dropped, where do you think the nut is? If I can't fish it out by going inside this gap, does it make sense to rotate the wheel (in 3rd or 4th gear now) and try to move the nute to a place where I I may be able to reach it with magnets thru the spark plug hole? Or thru the exhaust tappet openings (diagram below)?

0822 Exhause tappet openings.jpg

Actually, I feel that trying to "move" the nut from one unknown position to another is a bad idea. So my guess is that, if I can't fish it out with hopefully a smaller magnetic tool, I would have to open the engine to retrieve it. That would be an unexpected lesson on Engine 101 and a big job. Help number (3) --> Given where it is dropped, do you think I should be able to locate it if I only remove the top part of the engine (along dotted line)?

0822 engine, topview.jpg

I only can upload a max of 3 pics... continue in next post...
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby WaiNYC » Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:45 pm

WaiNYC wrote: I only can upload a max of 3 pics... continue in next post...

0822 engine, sideview.jpg

I am asking these detail questions because demands of life--I may be moving from NYC to Columbus, Ohio--require that I plan out this big job ahead of time and try to complete it in a span of just 2 weeks.

And Help number (4) : Any other ideas?

As always, thank you for all and any help you can give.

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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby Puffs » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:33 am

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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby breakwellmz » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:38 am

Oh dear!!
How about a piece of Blu-tack or Plasticine on the end of a screwdriver?
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby jpmsteadi » Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:42 am

Oof! It happens to us all at some point, don't beat yourself up. Its the nature of learning how to wrench. I remember my first engine rebuild I forgot an oil seal!! turned the motor over for the first time for about 20 secs with no oil pressure!

I would suggest using a magnet on a stick thing to fish around for it. I have had good luck with that in the past.
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby lavrentyuk » Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:12 am

I would probably make a magnet on a stick. Lots of cheap but powerful magnets available - one the end of a piece of strong but bendy wire so you can shape it as needed. What a remarkable PITA - but we've all done similar.
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:27 pm

why does EVERY THING go from BAD toooo worse

Murphys law item 1"if some thing is not wrong or broken .. wait just a few seconds" :smt021
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby WaiNYC » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:04 pm

Just wanna report that I was able to fish out the nut. Rather than buying the smallest magnetic pick up tool on the market, I bought a really small neodymium magnet and glued it to a hanger wire with JB Weld. The fishing expedition took several minutes, getting to the nooks and crannies of camshaft. The magnet sucked up quite a bit of metal fines but thankfully no shavings. Celebration came when at last the nut found itself at the tip of the wire.

Nut found.png

Thank you all for the help and encouragement.
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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby breakwellmz » Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:21 am

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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby Blurredman » Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:17 am

Oooh I bet that was satisfying!

And yes- the nut didn't need to be removed fully, you'll find that 1/32nds of a turn can make all the difference sometimes with valve adjustment.. Very little does a very lottle

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Re: 96 Skorp: Lost nut in valve chamber / engine -- HELP !!

Postby Puffs » Sat Aug 29, 2020 5:33 am

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