The thing is, depending on where your bike was sold, colour choices seem to vary..
Let's take the ETZ250 for example- in Britain, the only official colours seemed to be Green, Red, Blue, Silver, Black. Just base boring colours. But on the continent they came in some nice looking varients, like a duck egg type of blue, orange, etc. These colours seemed to be available in the pre-luxus models in the UK too, but not after.
The TS250 in the states seems to only be in Blue or Red.
My bike was from the looks of it, originally a boring 'british racing green' type of green from the factory (common), but had been re-painted a few times since 1987. I painted it Orange. Why stick with the boring colours, when Europe had some nice ones?
My etz251, I do believe was a red. The same red you have likely as not. Previous owner painted it a weird obergenish type colour, Gawd know why.