Update time.....again.
The known to be good carburettor arrived yesterday, comparing it to my carburettor, the only difference I could see was in the air screw.
Mine has a much shallower taper on it, which could explain some of the richness.
With this carb fitted it starts much easier and will run, however it died again after a while - but ran much longer than before.
So I fitted another brand new plug, and it runs much better. The 3 plugs that I have been using all seem to be "dead" now.
They spark outside the engine but once in the bike they no longer work. Wondering if perhaps being drenched in petroil has killed them. Even heating with a blowlamp will not persuade them to work so I have now binned them.
And now a

On the frame on the throttle side there is a lug with a hole in it on the headstock (what is that lug for by the way?) and both the throttle cable and choke cable were routed over that lug, then up inside the headlamp mount and onto the throttle and choke. I noticed that when I turned the handlebars the choke cable was going out over the lug and catching underneath it, and that was pulling the choke slightly on - why did I not spot that?
Choke cable is now re routed outside the headlamp mount and has plenty of free play and does not pull the choke when turning the bars - what is the correct cable routing by the way?
I have had the bike running long enough to get it really hot - I even ran it with the fuel tap off untill the engine died in the hope that it might suck any excess still in the crankcase int the cylinder and burn it.
The acid test will be to take it out for a run, not declaring it fixed just yet, only when I have put some miles on it without it dying will that be declared, but things are looking good........at last