Hello I'm new here ,my Skorpion Traveller ,not used much 'cos I'm an old bloke & these days it's a bit big & heavy for an elderly midget , My problem is , last week after a bit of a slumber it started & ran but only at low revs , any wide throttle openings were greeted by stalling added to which this week I tried again - no start , fuel is there but on inspection the spark was a feeble red 'damp squib' ,most jobs on the bike these days because of arthritis I entrust to others but if it's a simple DIY job I'll have a go myself. I should add this is the first 'modern' bike I've ever owned & I don't have a manual or any form of written instructions , Anybody got some ideas ? Or , since I live in Dorset any Dorset MZ brains I could talk to ?
Thanks, Tony