So I'm back on two after my ingition coil got rusted out ...

News and Gossip on the upcoming MZ 1000S.

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So I'm back on two after my ingition coil got rusted out ...

Postby DarthRider » Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:42 pm

...on the way to Turkey Day dinner at my aunt's house. After that I dumped half a bottle of salad dressing all over her kitchen. I think I washed the bike with too much Motorex bike cleaner in the wrong places. Phil Albutt from the BSA parts distributor in England got me my coil in less than 5 days and made my weekend. Unfortunately my engine check light is there to stay because I don't have the diagnostic tool to get rid of it. I wonder how much it costs. Anyways the MZ is now running like a champion again. I need to get the diagnostic tool to get rid of the engine check light. Anyone know how I can reset it? I have a few chapters of the MZ diagnostical manual and electrical diagrams if someone needs them e-mail me @
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check engine lamp

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:42 pm

power commander makes a unit for tuning the 1000s
they may be able to supply you with reset info or tools to do the reset
they do make a module for the 1000s also

tell them if they know a simple way to reset the check engine lamp
all the us owners would love to know it :-D

a ducati or moto guzzi dealer may be able to reset it if it uses a brain
that is used on one ot those models
mike at mph in huston tx has guzzi ???? and may know
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Postby DarthRider » Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:54 pm

Thanks for the information! I'll definitely look into that. I didn't think they would offer Power Commander for MZ1000S!! I'm thinking also about ordering some clear turn signal lenses. I think they look pretty cool. :D
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clear lenses

Postby bimotabob » Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:23 pm

I have a pair of clear lenses left from the four I ordered. I did not put them on the rear because I had already installed the soft saddlebag mounts and what a deal it was reinstalling the rear turn signals. I was thinking about taking them to a local dealer and see if he could match them up with other stock. They do look cool on the silver 1000S.
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Postby DarthRider » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:24 am

I think they look cool on the silver or the black 1000S. I never installed my soft bag mounts. I use a backpack most of the time and haven't taken any super long rides yet. Farthest I ever went in one trip was to St. Lucie from Boca Raton. Only a few hours but never got back problems and it was really enjoyable. Funny you live near a bunch of relatives I hardly ever talk to in Ormond Beach on my father's side. I been there a few times.
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Postby DarthRider » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:45 pm

The engine check light went off by itself after the new coil was put in ....whew!
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Re: clear lenses

Postby DarthRider » Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:37 pm

bimotabob wrote:I have a pair of clear lenses left from the four I ordered. I did not put them on the rear because I had already installed the soft saddlebag mounts and what a deal it was reinstalling the rear turn signals. I was thinking about taking them to a local dealer and see if he could match them up with other stock. They do look cool on the silver 1000S.

Man my MZ is black and yours is silver!?! Could you imagine if I rode up there for Daytona and we took a ride? Man that would be awesome! Two MZs at the same time!!!! I would totally love that man...that would be a trip! Do you use your saddlebags a lot? I used the rear bag a lot. I keep the attachment for it on my bike because it keeps the rear seat panel from losing color and getting worn out. That rear bag is awesome. Nowadays I use a backpack because it has nifty pockets but if I ever took a really good trip I might consider mounting the soft bags. Is it a pain in the ass to put on the brackets? I want to see what it looks like. :D
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