Fil wrote:Hmmm, not sure what you mean cat - the only screw on the carb I'm aware of that can alter the mixture is the one I believe is called the 'pilot jet', and this sits in the primary carb. I think the only way you can alter the mixture in the secondary (CV) carb is by changing the jet/needle.
Carbs are not something I claim to be any kind of expert in, so I hope that someone with more knowledge can clarify this for us!
I'll let you guys know how I get on with the Dynojet kit once it arrives (it's in the process of being made in the States as they have no stock in the UK...).
I can't wait to remove and refit my carbs for the third time

ok. I see Yamaha calls it the "pilot screw".
Not the pilot jet, that is inside, inaccessible from the outside. It is situated just to the left of the pilot screw. The pilot jet itself, being a jet, is not adjustable. The pilot screw probably adjusts the amount of air passing across the pilot jet and so the amount of fuel passing
through the pilot jet. (I'm not sure, not clear about that. I'll look up something about it later today. I do know it's not called an air screw because it does not work the way an air screw does on a "normal" carb, where turning the air screw out opens an air passage in the idle/off-idle circuit. Although Yamaha calls it a pilot screw, what I was referring to was some generic term that I'd come across recently - which I'll try to find.)
Fil wrote:I think the only way you can alter the mixture in the secondary (CV) carb is by changing the jet/needle.
The parts diagram for the Yamaha XT600 shows what looks like the same carbs as ours. It has a "pull-knob" choke plunger instead of cable-operated. The secondary carb in the Yamaha diagram has a normal removable main jet but the diagram of the carb on the MZ shows an odd-looking thing that has to be drilled - although it is obviously removable.
The XT600 parts diagram is more useful than the diagrams of the MZ carbs available on the www, which have German terms that machine translators don't recognise, and incomplete parts lists.