Moskito Stalling Problem

Moskito, Moskito SX, Moskito RX, Moskito 125R, Charly scooters.


Moskito Stalling Problem

Postby Trilobite » Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:37 pm

Adopted a Moskito from a friend who had let it sit for over a year in her garage. The carb was varished up, and although I got it to run with some meticulous cleaning, it was too badly gone. Replaced it with a new carb purchased online. Since the tank was rusty, cleaned this out with some solutions of muriatic acid, changed fuel filter, etc. Ran great last spring, like new. After the winter on the battery tender, with Stabil in the tank, it will not run when given gas. Starts, idles on the auto choke then stalls as soon as any gas is given. Pulled the carb again, cleaned it out, and it runs worse now. (!) Have no idea what is the norm for the mixture screw either. how many turns out? Any suggestions from the board? Many thanks. :(
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:45 am

i had some thing in my rt 125;s fuel last year that was nasty
and had to clean tank and carb 3 times before i got it to run correct
also check to see if you foweled the plug

also do test outside to see if carb float will float in a can of gas
the float may be bad and flooding it

not too many mz scooters on here if you have any books on it
let us know
ar dave

try 1.5 to 2.5 turns on mix screw good place to try when standard is ??
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Postby antonio » Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:14 am

The last time my Moskito's carb vacumm rubber torn, i was unable to give it any raise in throttle no matter whastsoever.

I send my scoot to the shop and they've change the rubber for the vacumm and it was fine again...

Now i'm on VM34 so no need anymore running on vacumm like i was before. 8)
MZ Moskito 2005
125cc - 150cc Tokahi Racing Block
Racing Cam Stage 2 (Taiwan) Lift 11.5mm
Mikuni VM34
Malossi Air Filter
SpiltFire Spark Plug Cable
NGK Platinum
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Postby Trilobite » Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:15 pm

Spent a few careful hours methodically disassembling/cleaning/reassembling everything several times, and now she runs quite well. Etched and sealed the gas tank, changed fuel filter, plug, and lubricants, and experimented bit by bit with float height, mixture screw adjustment, and the like. Had forgotten how sensitive these little two strokes can be to the slightest adjustments.

Many thanks to those who posted and emailed.

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