i glide off to the center divider and notice smoke fuming out from under the seat!!
HOLY SHIT!!! says i...and quickly remove the seat before my beautiful black princess burns up (with ALL MY CAMPING GEAR STILL ATTACHED!!)
lo and behold - i see the culprit...and its not what i thought...its THE AIR FILTER...and its burned in two or three places.
WEIRD. says i.
no more fire. no more smoke. she starts right up...idling a teeny bit low.
i pressed on to santa barbara and found (ACCIDENTALLY) a yamaha dealer - who had a bunch of filters - but not the RIGHT one...so i oiled and stretched a 'close' one over the carb - put the seat back - and camped @ the beach a short while later...
i finished my trip (about 800 more miles up the coast to monterey and back down) with that mickey mouse rig - NO PROBLEMS...and no more backfire. (thats another mystery)
i love that bike...and she loves me...ill post pics when i get home...and the funniest thing is - EVERYWHERE I GO - people always ask about the bike...tee hee. they dont know what theyre missing!!
